Classic Floral Roti Box
Classic Floral Roti Box
To be eligible for an easy return, we kindly request that you create an account before placing your order. This allows us to quickly verify your purchase details, making the return process straightforward and efficient.
Conditions for Returns and Exchanges:
Products are eligible for returns only if there is a manufacturing fault that cannot be fixed.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement, requests for returns and exchanges must be made within 48 hours of receiving the order.
We kindly request customers to provide multiple images: one showing the product open for damage inspection and another with the product securely packed. This step is crucial for processing the return or exchange efficiently.
Refund Processing:
Prepaid Order Refund: Refunds for prepaid orders are processed promptly within 48 hours after the product is picked up from your location.
COD Order Refund: Refunds for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders are processed between 8-10 working days after the product is picked up from your location. This process is initiated upon receiving your bank details. Please note that cash refunds are not provided.
Care : Wipe clean with a damp cloth if required. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals and household cleaners as they may damage the finish.
Disclaimer : Nature of Handicraft Items should not be considered as Imperfections. Not dishwasher safe.